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Joy and Wonder in August

The “dog days” of summer have arrived. (Nothing against dogs…) In the Northern Hemisphere, August is often the hottest month of the year. Air conditioning units whirr, fans buzz. Sweat drips. Sometimes a summer storm churns the clouds and whips up wind and thunder and lightning, providing a dramatic interlude to the long hot days. One could waste the whole month focusing on the weather, but why?  August has so much more to offer. 

Embrace the Outdoors

Some love the heat and others hate it. If you are in the second camp, make your peace with August and try to make the best of it. 

  • Get outside (every day if possible) during the early morning hours before it gets too hot. 
  • Find a shady spot to spread out a picnic blanket or unfold a lawn chair and nap or read a good book. 
  • Go where the water is. Take a trip to the nearest coastline or lake, or find a nearby stream.
  • Take a shady hike. [Don’t forget the bug spray.]
  • Seek out restaurants with patio seating and watch the weather for a day that’s not too hot to eat outside.

Sounds like Summer

Time to intentionally notice the sounds of summer before they slip away for another year. How many of these sounds can you savor?

  • The cheesy music of the ice cream truck as it winds its way through your neighborhood
  • Cicadas and crickets chirping
  • Even if you can’t go to the beach, you can listen to a playlist of beach music.
  • Children laughing at the neighborhood playground or swimming pool or running through the sprinkler
  • Live local music at an outdoor concert

Enjoy August Treasures

Don’t let the month go by without enjoying these simple pleasures of August: Sometimes the free things that are right in front of us can have meaning and value far greater than they seem.

  • Shop for produce at farmer’s markets and roadside stands
  • Get ice cream or sorbet from an ice cream parlor. In a cone! Or as a sundae with whipped cream, sprinkles, and a cherry on top. 
  • Watch for a carnival. Even if you don’t like the rides or the fried food, appreciate the colors and sounds.
  • Seek out a perfect peach, nectarine, plum. Keep it until it is perfectly ripe. Memorize the taste as you eat it. 
  • Make lemonade with fresh lemons. Add real sugar if you can, or your favorite sweetener. 

Grab August and give it a good squeeze before it slips away into September!

Joy and Wonder in August
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