Just Like Christmas

Gifts and Gratitude

Expressing gratitude and giving gifts to those we love is important for several reasons. First, it shows that we appreciate and value the people in our lives. It helps to strengthen our relationships and create a sense of connection and belonging. Second, expressing gratitude and giving gifts can boost our own happiness and well-being. Studies have shown that acts of kindness and generosity can increase feelings of joy and contentment. Finally, giving gifts and expressing gratitude can create a positive ripple effect. When we show appreciation and kindness to others, it often inspires them to do the same for others in their lives. Overall, expressing gratitude and giving gifts is a simple yet powerful way to cultivate positivity and connection in our relationships and in the world around us.

The Gift of Summer Fruits - Just Like Christmas

The gift of summer fruits

In most parts of the U.S., certainly urban and suburban areas, fresh fruit is available in the grocery stores year-round. That may make us less appreciative when seasonal produce arrives. And the processes which have made it economically feasible to ship produce long distances may have made produce less tasty and is no doubt worse

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