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It’s August – Time for a clean slate!

It’s back to school time! Since just after school let out, it seems, ads have been screaming at us to stock up on school supplies. Whether you have kids in school or not, there is something about a new school year that is probably still rooted deep in your psyche. School brings to mind the scents of new crayons and the sharp peppermint of kindergarten paste, which makes me remember Jimmy who used to fold his eyelids inside out to terrorize the little girls, Michael who used to walk on the toes of his Keds like a ballerina en pointe, and John who used to eat the paste. (I wonder where they are now.) 

A clean slate 

Remember having a new teacher, a fresh new grading page in the teacher’s book, a clean desk, and new crayons? Time to give yourself a new fresh start this month. Whether or not you have children in your life…this is about you. Consider the ways you used to experience back-to-school and see if you can capture some of that new-school-year excitement for your own life.

New teacher

In my early grades, I had one teacher for the year. As I transitioned to Junior High and High School, I had many. Give yourself a new teacher this academic year by enrolling in an workshop or course. Studies show that continually learning as we age keeps us mentally sharper and “younger” than our chronological age. 

Find a local educational opportunity

Some great things about IRL classes: you have a reason to get out of your routine and meet new people fact to face. Meet new friends, new networking contacts, new potential business partners. Here are places to look for classes and workshops near you:

  • Continuing
  • Education at local colleges and universities
  • Local museums and institutes
  • Libraries

Take an online course

Online courses range from free to hundreds of dollars, on topics from crafts and cooking to finance, computer programming, and leadership. Course platforms have gotten more user-friendly and usually include a way to connect with the instructor to ask questions, and with other students in a Facebook group or forum. Browse for courses on these sites:

  • Udemy
  • CreativeLive
  • Lynda.com
  • EdX
  • Khan Academy
  • MasterClass

New peers

An exciting part of the school year was finding out who was in your classes. Sometimes there would be new students to get to know. If your circle of acquaintances has become a little stagnant, consider expanding your circle. Be intentional about meeting some new people, preferably face to face rather than online. If you enroll in a workshop or course you will naturally get to meet some new people with common interests. Otherwise (or in addition) mix it up by joining a new group. Some professional organizations have local chapter meetings. Consider exploring a new interest or finding others who enjoy the same pastimes. Here are some ways to find local groups to join:

  • Meetup.com lists local group meetings 
  • Eventbrite lists free and paid events where you can meet new people with common interests
  • Type “clubs and associations near me” into your favorite search engine

New office supplies

Back-to-school sales are a great time to stock up on supplies for your home office. Here are a few items which are priced 

  • Index cards
  • Pens and highlighters
  • Crayons
  • Paper Clips and Push pins
  • File folders and notebooks
  • Printer paper and notebook paper

Office and Home office spruce-up

The back-to-school season is a good impetus to get your office and home office in shape. After you have filed your piles of papers and eliminated other clutter, reward yourself with a new desk accessory or wall decor. 

  • Memo board
  • Motivational artwork
  • Clock
  • Organizer 

Begin the new school year with excitement for learning and reorganized workspaces, ready to learn and make new friends. It’s not just good for kids, it’s good for you too. 

August - Time for a clean slate
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