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Simple Pleasures of September
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The Simple Joys of September

Summer is slipping away into autumn. It happens every year, yet always too soon. Do you ever find yourself hanging on to what is ebbing away rather than jumping bravely towards the new season? Or maybe you are the opposite, ready to move on. You might spend Labor Day weekend packing away all the evidence of Summer and itching to break out the Halloween decorations.

Focus on transitions

September is a month of Equinox, where we are quickly approaching equal parts day and night before making the switch towards more nighttime. When we think of September as a month of transition, we can look for signs of that transition. We can incorporate this sort of observation into our lives and become more mindful of our surroundings. Look for signs of fall. The most obvious is the color changes of the leaves, but there are other signs as well. Getting into touch with the natural world can restore a sense of calm to our days.

Harvest and planting

When the markets are full of apples, enjoy the bounty of the harvest and make a batch of applesauce or a pie. Applesauce freezes well, so even if you are new to the idea of preserving food you can put by a couple of containers for later.

We don’t usually think of fall as a time for planting, but this is the season to plant bulbs for spring flowers. Daffodils, tulips, and other favorites start as bulbs which should be planted in the fall. Most will rebloom year after year, and some will multiply over time. If you don’t have a yard, you can plant bulbs in pots. If you bring the pots into a cool but not freezing spot after a time you can “force” them to bloom early indoors. Imagine how much a pot of daffodils will be appreciated in the February chill.

Creative fun and brain exercise

Take time this month to engage in some childlike play. September 16 is National Play-Doh Day. How long has it been since you have squished and shaped clay or dough? It is a great stress reliever. Make balls, roll up snail shapes, make pinch pots. Energize your brain with word and logic puzzles. Challenge yourself to a new type of puzzle to stretch your capabilities. If you have to look up an answer, it isn’t cheating. You aren’t being graded, so as long as you are learning and having fun you are on the right track.

For a fun way to hit some of the high points of September, get the Joy Checklist. Either print it off and check off each item with a pen or open the pdf and check off items digitally and save. It includes a dozen fun and inexpensive ways to experience the simple joys of the month.

Simple Joys of September
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