Just Like Christmas

The Simple Joys of November
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The Simple Joys of November

November starts with “no” and there is a lot about November to dislike. For one, it is getting darker in the northern hemisphere, and colder. This happens every year, it isn’t new, and yet as we get older we are sometimes less adaptable. We miss the warm sunshine. We likely miss the vitamin D. Things like scraping the frost of car windows can be irksome.

Find the warmth

The key to finding simple joys in November is to accept the direction in which nature is pushing us. It is colder outside, so we need to make it warmer inside. Time to cook nourishing hot soup, and spiced cider. Knit a new scarf or pair of mittens, if not for yourself, then as a gift. Who wouldn’t love a new handmade scarf, however oddly shaped or irregularly knitted? There is love in each stitch.

Have a sit-in

Protest the weather by having a good time anyway. Revisit classic movies. We can’t possibly cook and bake enough, so when not doing so, then be an armchair cook and read cookbooks. Make a list of new recipes to try, or just imagine how good they probably taste and enjoy the fact that reading about cooking doesn’t dirty the kitchen or add to your waistline.

Remember the past

November begins with All Saints Day, and then All Souls day. We commemorate the saints and souls of those who are departed this life. Christians believe that the souls of our loved ones find a home with Christ after death, and though we can’t perceive their earthly countenances, they surround us in spirit. As we remember those who have died, we can be thankful we had the time with them that we did. Looking at old photos reminds us of those days. If you have been thinking of journaling, jot down some memories to write about. Both fond memories and difficult ones make great journal topics. Expressing difficult times in words can help us to process these times and transform them into growth experiences.

Prepare for the future

Christmas is coming. While you are reminiscing about old times, start addressing the Christmas cards. This is a chore which often gets put off. Speaking of preparing, Thanksgiving and Christmas will soon be upon us. Wouldn’t it be fun to crack a new joke or two or tell a funny story? Being funny is a learned skill. Read some joke books and memorize one or two whoppers to tell at a future gathering.

Embrace the facts of November

Pears are in season. Let them ripen until they are juicy and fragrant before you enjoy them fresh. Look for pear recipes also: pear cake, pear crisp, pear butter for toast. The leaves may still be on the lawn. Raking is good exercise. The hardest part is getting started. Think about how good you will feel to make a dent in that chore and to come inside and warm up afterwards.

The primitive urge to hibernate runs deep in us mammals. When you can, sleep in or go to bed early. Set up the coffee maker the night before so you just have to turn it on. Knowing that hot coffee is just minutes away can be enough to motivate you to get up out of your warm bed.

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The Simple Joys of November
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